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Popular courses among Indian Divas

For about a century, we all know there is a steep rise in the educational status of India, especially our Divas. But do we know which courses are popular among them?? Let's check it out.

#7. General Surgery

No surprise on why do we see so many women doctors in our nation especially at the primary level. 

#6. Fashion Technology

Again not surprising at all. Isn't? Well, we need to accept that our divas are just not fashionable but also fashion-knowledge-able..!

#5. Gandhian Studies

Well, that's a surprise..!!! Definitely not by the numbers but the existence of the course. Yes, we do have a specific course to learn about #Gandhism in India and our girls outnumber their counterparts by a significant margin.  Maybe that's one of the reasons why Indian women are non-violent to the offences against them.

 #4. Nursing

Do we know that, even male nurses exists? Such is the dominance by our divas on nursing. High-pay nursing opportunities in foreign nations, not so easy to get into MBBS and of course the tender heart for serving have made this course popular among Indian Divas

#3. Home Science

Do I need to say more?  If it is home, it is ruled by our women. Period..!

#2. Criminology & Forensic Science

Surprise..Surprise...Surprise...!!! Ummm....I know your eyes have become as big as an owl now... Yes..It is in their Gene!! Next time when you see some crime cases been solved by forensic report, may be you need to thank the #WonderWoman behind it.

#1. Women Studies

This course is the unanimous winner in the most dominated courses by our divas and it is not at all surprising. But the real surprise is about 2.78% dudes who are interested in this course. Special mention and shout-outs to those dudes ( not the naughty ones!!!)

Courses Dominated by Indian Divas

Other courses dominated by Divas over the Dudes

There are so many other courses where our divas outnumber their counterparts. Well, read the chart below to get .

Hmmm..... Impressive isn't? Well, our Dudes are no short in their dominance over the courses. Check out whats popular with our Hunks..! 
Data Courtesy: AISHE (Govt of India)
