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Showing posts from October, 2017

Popular courses among Indian Divas

For about a century, we all know there is a steep rise in the educational status of India, especially our Divas. But do we know which courses are popular among them?? Let's check it out. #7. General Surgery No surprise on why do we see so many women doctors in our nation especially at the primary level.  #6. Fashion Technology Again not surprising at all. Isn't? Well, we need to accept that our divas are just not fashionable but also fashion-knowledge-able..! #5. Gandhian Studies Well, that's a surprise..!!! Definitely not by the numbers but the existence of the course. Yes, we do have a specific course to learn about #Gandhism in India and our girls outnumber their counterparts by a significant margin.  Maybe that's one of the reasons why Indian women are non-violent to the offences against them.  #4. Nursing Do we know that, even male nurses exists? Such is the dominance by our divas on nursing. High-pay nursing opportunities in foreign nations, n